Well, wolfpup and I have gone and done it!  We opened our very own awards site, Driver Picks the Music!  Please come on by and check it out Laughing


To all of you Jericho fans out there, please help support our efforts to convince CBS to renew this now canceled show.  There are so few good shows out there, I hate to let this one go gently into that good night.

There is a petition online that you can sign.  Or, way more fun in my opinion, there is a growing campaign to send nuts to the executives at CBS.  In the finale, Skeet Ulrich responds to a request to surrender the town with one word - "Nuts!"  This was the response given during WWII to the request to surrender to Germany at the Battle of the Bulge.  So lets say NUTS to CBS!  I've already contributed...

Send NUTS to CBS (or just watch the live nut meter!)

Sign the online petition (76,819 signatures so far - we need more, though!)

Song: Life in Technicolor by Coldplay
Video: Made by AlcoholicPixie

This video is a promo for Supernatural Video Station, the original Supernatural music video site! It has awards, monthly contests, episode discussions and much, much more!  All vidders and Supernatural fans welcome!

So what are you waiting for?  Head on over there!

If you would like to comment on this video, go here or here.


I`ve been tagged again, this time by Guardian. 

Each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people and then visits those people's sites and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do.

1. I'm 31 years young
2. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, so don't spoil it for me!
3. I have one older brother
4. My newest niece or nephew is due in October
5. I've lived in Texas, Alaska and Illinois
6. I'm a huge sports fan: Baseball, Football and College Basketball, I love 'em!
7. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin
8. I prefer to drive a stick shift over an automatic

So, since I already tagged folks earlier, I'm going to say I'm done at this point ;)

Added some new icons and updated my awards with 7 new ones!  

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